Saturday, March 10, 2018

Memphis Is In Me * Story #2


Thalia, Colleen in the human world, stood in the audience watching him. Her long brunette hair, blew softly in the light breeze, as she created the breeze to softly blow his hair about. He was up on stage playing his heart out.

Calliope, Karen, had come up behind her. “I could lend you a pair of cuffs. A whip, maybe,” she chuckled.

Thalia looked over her shoulder at her sister and said, “No. Not my thing.”

Calliope laughed, “I know.” She looked up at Jon and growled, “But it’s mine.”

Thalia just shook her head. Her sister was so strong willed and weird.

David came out of the bathroom all freshly showered rubbing a towel over his curls trying to dry his hair a bit. He wouldn’t have had to shower if somehow the bag of coffee hadn’t fallen on his head. He swore that he heard giggling.

He had some ideas for some plays he’s been tossing around in his head. He was thinking of working on doing scores for broadway plays during Bon Joiv’s down time. He sat at the piano and started melodically playing. He suddenly felt a breeze across the back of his neck. He looked around for an open window or something. He thought he heard giggling again. Not seeing anything, he went back to playing. His thoughts started thinking of the 1950’s, early Rock n Roll.

A couple hours later he stood at the french doors looking out over the grass. He saw a figure floating along on the grounds. He was mezmerized. She seemed so not of this world. She was almost to the patio when she tripped and fell. He ran out to where she was and just when he about to kneel next to her she popped up like nothing happened.

Thalia, laughing, pointed at Dave and said, “The look on your face was priceless."

“What the fuck,” David exclaimed. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing on my property? I need to call the cops’” he mumbled as he walked back to the house.

All of a sudden she was in front of him her hands on his chest. “Now sweetie, y'all don’t want to be doing that.”

“How did ...but you were...,” he stumbled, as looked to her, at the door, back to her. “Who are you?!”

“David, I am sadden you do not know who I am. I am your muse.”

“Fine. What is your name?”

“Thalia, where I am from. Or Colleen, here, if you like that better,” Thalia said. “I am the muse of Comedy.”

“Really,” David said skeptically.

Thalia, knowing he is a bit upset, pointed to his chest. “I had a little something to do with that. Where do you think your love of comedy comes from.”

He looked into her eyes while absentmindedly rubbing the Joker tattoo on his chest. And before he knew it he was kissing her. He ran his hands down her back cupping her perfectly shaped derriere.

She loved when David touched her. With his hands on her butt he pulled her up against his most obvious show of affection for her. She wanted him now. Thalia stepped back from this piano man and walked slowly to his bedroom, looking back to make sure he was following. On her way she took off her gossamer clothes one piece at a time. One last look back at David he was practically drooling. She smiled.

David was beyond hard. He enjoyed the view of her beautiful body as it was reveiled to him one piece of cloth at a time.

“Mmm David. Kiss me,” she whispered against his lips.

“Yes,” he said mindless with passion. Before he knew it he was on his back with her beautiful body on top of his.

Thalia, Colleen, kissed his male nipple where his tattoo was, “Do you like that Dave?”

“Mmm hmm,” he moaned his hands running through her beautiful brunette hair. “Suck me,” He told her, pushing her in that direction.

Thalia, willing to oblige, but with consequences to follow, took him in her mouth.

Davis was in ecstacy, so close, when all of a sudden, “Aaahhhh! Hahahahaha!” He was writhing. She, OMG, was tickling him. “Thalia, what...hahaha...the...OMG...hell?!”

"Oh David, I am the Muse of Comedy. I just can't help myself,” she said as she tickled David's feet.

"Dammit, stop it. I hate being tickled,” he said having a hard time catching his breathe.

Thalia saw he was beyond hard. That's the way she liked it. She climbed on top and proceeded to save the horse and ride a cowboy! “David, Memphis, you feel so good inside me.”

“Thalia!” he screamed just as he came.

“Oh David,” she moaned folowing right behind him. She collapsed on top of him hugging him her legs still clamped around him. Slowly she slid down next to him and they both fell alseep.

Years later she was watching from a balcony seat as David won multiple awards for Memphis. And she didn't even have to pull him off stage with her crook.  She was happy for him, she thought, smiling.

"You sure you don't want to borrow a pair of cuffs,"  she heard in her ear.  Thalia just shook her head at her sister's craziness.

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