Friday, April 27, 2018

Answering the Batphone * Story #3


Answering the Batphone

Kleio: To make famous

clothing reference

It was 2013. A beautiful summer night here in Germany. She was in the audience of the biggest concert of the year, Bon Jovi. She stood watching her favorite. Her name was Kleio, daughter of Zeus. In human terms she went by Diane. The breeze caught her shimmery silver hair, streaks of purple and pink running thru it matching the flowy pieces of materials she had made into a dress of all different lengths.

She thought back to when she made it so that He was now part of the band. She went against everyone and everything to get him here. To make Him famous, beyond just being a session guitarist. A voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Sister,” she practically growled, “I can loan you some cuffs. A whip or two maybe.”

Kleio, Diane, looked at her sister, her reputation legendary among her sisters and the Gods. “Ugh, Calliope, enough. I don’t need any of your devices. I can catch and keep a specimen all by myself. It’s a wonder Jon is still alive and hasn’t died from an anxiety attack,” Kleio said. Regardless, she did love her big sister.

“I know. But I love to offer,” she said wickedly, wiggling her eye brows.

“I know,” Kleio, Diane, agreed.

“Well, I will let you go back to your thoughts. I am just going to get closer to the stage and see if I can give Jon a heart attack.” Calliope laughed menacingly.

“Really Calliope, you need to give that boy a break,” Kleio admonished.

“Oh I am. I have a very soft and romantic evening planned,” Calliope whispered. With that she disappeared into the audience.

Phil was playing guitar on some session work for Adam Lambert. They had been at it for a couple hours. He could use a break and a cup of coffee. He was about to start up again when an angel bearing coffee floated into the studio. The first thing he noticed was her silvery hair. Purple and pink were streaked through it. He would have thought she was old, but up close she was pretty. Ageless. Great figure.

“Mr Xenidis, here is a cup of coffee. Unless you would rather have something else.”

“No. This is great. And call me Phil or Philx. And what is your name? Do you work for the studio? I haven’t seen you before,” Phil asked.

“My name is Diane. I just started here. A ‘Girl Friday’ if you will,” Kleio, Diane, said.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Diane,” Phil replied.

“You too, Phil,” Diane said, smiling, “Well I am off to see what else I can do around here.”

All Phil could think of was her smile really lit up the place.

“She’s real pretty, huh?” The voice behind said.

“Damn, Adam, you scared the crap outta me. I didn’t hear you come up behind me,” Phil said, trying to slow his heart rate down.

“Ha ha, of course you didn’t hear me, you had eyes only for her. You were staring,” Adam laughed.

“I was not,” Phil said, a little self-conscious, not wanting to admit it. At least not out loud. But acquiesced that he coulda been staring, “Ya, maybe I was.”

“Let’s rock it Phil,” Adam said with a smile. So back to work for all.

A few days later Adam’s new album was wrapped up.

“Phil, it was a pleasure working with you,” Adam said putting out his hand to shake Phil’s.

“Ya, man, right back at ya,” Phil replied, returning the handshake. “Give me a call if you ever need a guitarist.”

“Will do,” and with that Adam was gone.

Phil was almost done packing up his equipment when Diane came up and asked, “Phil, do you maybe want to go get some lunch?”

“Um, sure, I could eat,” Phil said. She had that silvery hair up in a ponytail today. Today she had on jeans and an AC/DC shirt on, hugging her in all the right places. “Where’s a good place to eat?”

“What do you like or feel like eating?”

“You think there might be a steak and seafood place?”

“Sure,” Diane replied, “I know of a great place out in Malibu.”

“Excellent,” Phil said, “Let’s go”

“I’ll drive.” The two got into her ‘68 Camero and took the local highways to Malibu. It was a beautiful summer day.

Later that evening found Diane and Phil at her place.

“Diane you have the most beautiful hair,” Phil said as he stroked her hair while they were laying in bed together. Phil kissed her, his free hand leaving her hair to cup one of the "twins". Her tits were like the perfect size. More than a handful is a waste. “It’s almost magical. Like it has a life of it’s own.” He leaned in for a taste. Then sucked hard. The nipples hard as pebbles. He was hard himself. He made his way over her and entered her.

“Remember Phil, OH - MY - GOD! ... it’s all about the hair." She screamed out the intense pleasure. "You have wonderful hair," she whispered as she grabbed handfuls of his hair, to hold his head as he sucked on her breasts. "Women are going to love your hair one day.”

“How do you know,” he asked as he drove himself relentlessly into her core.

“I just have a feeling,” she moaned. "Fuck me Philx!"

Gladly Phil thought.

A few years later … 2011

Jon was pacing in frustration. Richie was polluted again. I think it is time for an intervention, he thought. They all barely made it thru rehearsals. Jon decided to call it quits early. Everybody had left except Tico and Dave. “Guys,” Jon started, “I think we need to strongly recommend that Rich go to a rehab facility. At this rate we will never make it out on tour. And I will not give that up.”

Tico and Dave watched Jon pace up and down the studio.

“We agree Jon. But who would we get to fill in?” They asked.

“I don’t know,” Jon said, “I will have to put out some feelers.

Just then the door opened and a really pretty female stepped through carrying a carrier of coffee. She had the prettiest silvery pink and purple hair. “Gentlemen, coffee.” Her smile was enough to practically drop their mouths to the floor.

Tico took his and asked, “And who might you be Darlin’?”

“My name is Diane. I work for the studio. A ‘Girl Friday’ if you will.”

“Well Girl Friday, know any good lead guitarists?” Jon asked, not really expecting an answer.

“I actually do. Try getting in touch with Phil Xenidis. He is an amazing guitarist. Does a lot of session work.”

“Why didn’t I think of him,” Jon said. “Thank you Diane. I will have my people get a hold of his people.”

“You’re welcome,” Diane, Kleio, said. And with that she was gone.

Kleio, Diane, was facing the headboard, holding onto it, as Phil pounded her from behind. "PHIL! AAhh, I'm cuming!"

Phil grunted, "Fuck yeah!"

A little while later, Diane, Kleio, watched Phil pace back and forth, after hanging up the phone he had answered.

“Darling, who was on the phone? Sounded like a job offer.”

“Oh my gawd! That was Jon Bon freaking Jovi!” Phil exclaimed. “I don’t know how I caught the man’s attention, but … Man! Apparently Richie just quit. Didn't show up. And the man himself wants me, ME to play!”

“Maybe a birdie whispered in his ear,” Diane said, smiling.

Phil crawled back in bed and pulled her close, kissing her hard. “Mmm, sweetheart. Let me express my happiness.” And together they climbed the highest heights once again.

Kleio looked up at PHILX. It’s what they call him. They were playing in Atlanta tonight. The concert had just started. The screen was slowly going up reveling the band as they played THINFS. Kleio was right there in front. She ran her hands through her hair, fluffing it. Catching Phil’s attention she bent over then back up, flipping her hair back. Phil smiled and flipped his hair. The crowd went wild!

Kleio smiled a huge happy smile. "Good job Sis," she heard in her ear.

"Dammit Calliope, you fucking scared the crap outta me," Diane hissed as she looked at Calliope over her shoulder. Calliope had eyes only for Jon. The wicked look in her eyes will have Jon running for the hills. Diane just shook her head and focused her attention back to the concert and Phil.

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